How It All Started

My name is Winston, Ashley’s soon-to-be husband, and I’m the man behind the beautiful house plants.
It all started when Ashley’s mom suggested for us to get a few air-cleansing plants. Neither one of us was ever really into plants but when we got our first two money trees, there was no turning back.
I went on a rampage. I have somewhat of an addictive personality so once I started researching "plant caring tips", I couldn’t stop. I searched for lighting, watering, fertilizers, germination, propagation, etc. I became an instant internet botanist lol. I found a YouTuber named Martin, who runs a channel called Exotic House Plants, that's very informative on house plants.
He didn’t look the part either. He’s a tall, black military vet that looked like he worked out all day. At that point, my stereotypes evaporated.
The more I learned the more I wanted to collect. One plant led to another. I got elephant ears, jade plants, cacti, palms, snake plants, and more.
What Ashley calls my 2nd most prized possession, is our bird of paradise plant. I love all of our plants the same, but me and this guy been through it. I almost lost it to root rot last year but was able to revive it.
Caring for plants has really taught me patience and consistency. Each plant has its own personality and care requirements. Some plants are low maintenance while others can be extremely finicky. Some love water while others like to dry out. You just have to get to know your plants and honor your committed relationship.
It’s been almost 2 years now since we started on our houseplant journey and we’re still going strong. Our collection is growing, and oh by the way, did I mention we have a vegetable garden on our balcony. No hating! lol.
I never thought we would love plants as much as we do, especially coming from where we come from, but its now a part of who we are. I'm really excited to take you guys on this journey with us and share all that I know about plants.
If you have any questions on care tips, what to look for when buying, propagation, etc, feel free to drop a message in the comments. Thank you for reading, and have a great day.