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Cook Time: 20-25 minutes Ingredients: Olive oil 2 Cloves of Garlic Salt Pepper Lemon Zest Juice of 1/2 Lemon 3 Tablespoons of Butter 1 Tablespoon of Minced or Chopped Ginger 1 Tablespoon of Red Pepper Flakes 1/2 Teaspoon of Obey...
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In this episode of “What I Wore This Week” I’m sharing some easy ways you can style summer blazers. I’m sharing outfit ideas that you can easily create. You can also switch out accessories in any of these looks to...
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Looking for inexpensive, quality pieces? You've come to the right place. I started the closet sale as a way to manage my really large wardrobe. I am always getting new pieces in and I'm literally all out of closet space in...
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Caring for plants has really taught me patience and consistency. Each plant has its own personality and care requirements. Some plants are low maintenance while others can be extremely finicky. You just have to get to know your plants and honor your committed relationship.
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Don't we all love luxury? Specifically, luxury goods. Brands like Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Celine can definitely put a smile on any girl's face. I love luxury accessories but I think it's very important to understand that luxury can be achieved at various price points.
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