How to Shop Luxury

Don't we all love luxury? Specifically, luxury goods. Brands like Prada, Louis Vuitton and Celine can definitely put a smile on any girl's face. I love luxury accessories but I think it's very important to understand that luxury can be achieved at various price points.
Of course, we assume that any major fashion house would have quality items because we need some sort of logic to justify those price tags. I'm sure we've all stretched our imaginations to justify spending $1000+ on a machine-made nearly mass-produced handbag or three 😬 at some point in our lives. Hey, my philosophy is if it makes you happy then you should have it. All that aside not many of us can afford to have as many of the high-end handbags as we admire on our wishlists.
These days we can find luxury goods anywhere from fancy department stores to local thrift shops. Check out my handbag collection to see some of my recommendation.
Let's talk about the things to look for when purchasing luxury goods brand new or pre-loved.
1. How does it look? Whether its a high-end item from a major fashion house or not, the item should look well-made and the material should feel substantial. Any hardware on the bag needs to give you the impression that it could hold up against the amount of usage you'll be putting it through. The overall look of the bag should appear that the manufacturer took care when making the bag.
2. Where was the bag made? I don't think should be a huge factor because if something is well made then it speaks for itself. However, there are places in the world that are renowned for cultivating the best of a certain material. Like Leather in France, or Silk in India.
3. Can you re-sell it? In the Instagram age, everything in fashion seems to have a very short shelf life. Can't be caught in the same clothes twice, right? *currently rolling my eyes* The more money you spend, the more you should consider if the item can have another life with someone else once you're done with it. This is especially necessary if you're the kind of girl who likes to follow trends. "In today and out tomorrow" could mean the item won't be worth anything in a very short time. On the other side, if you love to wear your stuff to death you may be able to splurge on key pieces in your wardrobe.
4. How much is it? The item should be within a pricepoint that's justified by it’s quality, durability, and longevity. Ideally, we get what we pay for so keep that in mind.
5. Is the item filling a whole in your wardrobe? If you have a need for a carry all tote or a really functional crossbody then that's what you should be looking for. You'll definitly reach for the item over and over again if it's actually something that fulfills your needs.
If you ask yourself these 5 questions the next time you're in the market for any luxury item it'll make your decisions a lot easier.